
Respiratory tract diseases

In the cold autumn and winter months, the immune system has to work hard. The so-called droplet infection, where tiny particles are released from the respiratory tract into the environment, can quickly transmit pathogens. For example, when sneezing, speaking or coughing, bacteria or viruses can travel from one person to another through the air. The pathogens reach the respiratory tract (mucus membranes) of people in the immediate surroundings of the infected person and can multiply there. This is the typical transmission route of the flu virus.

Coughing – cleaning the airways

Coughing is an innate reflex and serves to very rapidly remove foreign particles from the respiratory tract (foreign bodies or irritant pathogens).
The bronchi play an equally important role. They are part of the branching tube system of the respiratory tract. With so-called cilia, superficial bronchial cells and the secretions of the mucus glands, they clean the airway from inhaled dust particles, pollutants and pathogens, etc., and they are supported by the cough reflex.

Viruses and bacteria can affect the cilia and hence the bronchial system’s self-cleaning function. -- They cause inflammation, which is always associated with increased mucus production. The lung can no longer free itself from this often thick mucus, and the pathogens that maintain the inflammation multiply in it. This vicious cycle must be interrupted.

Common causes of respiratory tract symptoms

  • Colds
  • Bronchitis / chronische Bronchitis

Our recommendation

tacholiquin® is a mucus-dissolving preparation (mucolytic) which has been used successfully for nearly 70 years. tacholiquin® is suitable for adolescents from the age of 12 and adults.