
Dear doctors: 
Detailed information on pseudo-croup, treatment options and differential diagnoses is available under here

Pain and fever medicine checklist

By documenting prior diseases and their physical condition, your customers can help you choose the best pain therapy. Our free checklist for completing and an interpretation guide are available here. These checklists are designed for the German market. Therfore they are available only in German.
Download pharmacy information on the checklist
Download checklist for patients


Finden Sie hier Informationen zu unserem Medi-Teddy®.

MediTeddy® from ben-u-ron® -- easing anxiety about doctor visits. The MediTeddy® from ben-u-ron® is something very special for all little patients and even slightly bigger ones. The MediTeddy®, developed by bene-Arzneimittel and the company Steiff, is a snuggly companion to help reduce little patients' anxiety about examinations and treatments and vividly illustrate diseases and necessary treatments to children. 

You can order the original ben-u-ron MediTeddy® from Steiff from us as a service for your pharmacy at a price of only 39.00 € incl. VAT and shipping. To order, simply send an email with your contact information to and complete the bank transfer as described on the information sheet. Ordering information - MediTeddy

Our MediTeddy® is designed for the German market. Therfore the information is available only in German.

Parent information on pseudo-croup

Pseudocroup attacks frighten any parent. A brief overview on pseudo-croup and some important guidelines on what to do are available here.
Download pseudocroup attack PDF (German)
Download pseudocroup attack PDF (other languages)